Farfalle, originally from Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, take their name from their distinctive bow tie shape with a tight frill in the centre.
The condiments recommended for Farfalle are light sauces: sauces made from butter with peas and ham; white sauces with delicate flavours made from salmon and cream; sauces made from mild, soft cheeses with a dash of saffron or curry.
This pasta is also great for preparing delicious, colourful, imaginative pasta salads.
Available in 500g pack.
Seme di Melone (melon seeds) belong to the minute pasta family to be cooked in broth.
This pasta was undoubtedly invented to stimulate the imagination of children who commonly eat this pasta in baby food and vegetable soups. It is shaped like small seeds and is fun and appealing.
It is especially good for preparing clear soups such as broths or consommé, enhanced with croutons or vegetables cut in julienne strips.
This pasta can be used in thick creamy or velvety soups.
Available in 500g pack.s.