Egg Taglierini with squid

  • dificuldade


  • 300 g0SW0205
  • 300 g squid
  • 1 sachet cuttlefish ink
  • 1 small bunch Italian parsley
  • 1 shallot
  • salt and pepper
Taglierini n° 205


Clean the squid well. Once removed from the skin, rinse and dry them with a tea towel, chop the tentacles, divide the meat into strips. Peel the shallot and chop it very finely; rinse the parsley, and once dried chop it finely.Heat the oil in a pan and add the shallot and parsley and fry until soft but not golden; add the squids and flavour for a minute over a high heat, mixing with a wooden spoon; season with salt and pepper and simmer for 2-3 minutes.Drain the squid and keep them aside. In the same pan dash the cuttlefish ink, previously melted in a spoonful of water and sieved. In the meanwhile cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water.Drain it when al dente and toss it in the pan with the cuttlefish ink, add the squid kept aside and flavour, folding in the ingredients delicately, for a minute. Sprinkle with the leftover parsley and serve warm.