Ghiottole with porcini mushrooms

  • dificuldade


  • 300 g0SX0134
  • 1 small bunch Italian parsley
  • 1 small bunch basil
  • 250 g porcini mushrooms
  • 200 g courgettes
  • salt and pepper
Ghiottole n° 134


Wash the parsley and the basil, dry delicately and mince them together. Remove the hard parts and the soil from the mushrooms, pop them in cold water for a quick rinse, drain, tip them in a clean tea towel to dry and cut them in small segments. Trim the courgettes, wash and cut them in thin strips.Peel the garlic, wash it and crush it lightly; put it into a saucepan with oil and fry until soft but not golden; add the courgette strips and brown them for 2-3 minutes, stirring from time to time; add the slices of mushroom and brown them for 3-4 minutes over a high heat stirring delicately with a wooden spoon; season with salt and pepper.At the end remove the garlic and sprinkle the courgettes and mushrooms with the chopped parsley and basil. Cook the pasta in a saucepan with plenty of boiling salted water. Drain it al dente, mix it to the sauce and serve immediately.