Blanch the tomatoes in bowling salted water, deseed them and slice them into strips.Clean the onion, the garlic and the celery, chop them and add the parsley then put them in a pan with a dash of oil and fry lightly.Clean, wash and drain all the vegetables, chop the Savoy and the Swiss chard in strips but not too thin then chop the courgettes into rings, flavour them in the chopped onion mix with the chunks of peeled potatoes, the peas and the beans and the tomatoes, cover with cold water and bring to the boil.Cook over a gentle heat for an hour and a half. When the potatoes are well done, after about 25 minutes, remove them with a sifted spoon, mash them and cook the pasta in the broth, just before switching off the heat and then add the mashed potatoes.Prepare the pesto. Put the basil, the peeled, the crushed garlic, and the salt in the mixer. Mix it adding enough to cover the mix until it reaches a smooth cream but not foamy.Put this cream in a bowl and fold in the grated cheese. Once the minestrone is ready, pour it in a tureen and place the pesto in the centre.Before serving mix well so as to fold in all the flavours.