Cook the pasta al dente in plenty of boiling salted water. While the pasta is on rinse and dry the courgettes then slice them into rings. Peel the onions and slice them, not too thin, into rings, then rinse them under running water.Mix the yolk with the corn flour (sprinkled from a sift), then add a dash of beer, a pinch of salt and the stiff whisked whites in a bowl. Soak the courgette slices in the batter with the onion rings and place them in a pan with plenty of heated oil: as they are deeply fried remove them with a slotted spoon, then drain them on kitchen paper and keep them warm.Cook the pasta al dente and once drained place it on a heated plate, season it with raw olive oil, the grated pecorino, the chopped basil and a grind of pepper. Add the courgette and onion rings, seasoned with salt at the last moment, stir well and serve.