Finely slice the mozzarella cheese and put it aside. Peel and finely slice the onion with the ham fat, then slice the carrot and the celery.Put this mixture in a terracotta pan with 3 tbsp of olive oil by adding the loin after a short while.After few minutes sprinkle the mixture with wine and, once evaporated, add the tomato puree; season with salt and simmer.Once the loin is cooked, cut it into half piece, mince it and mix it with one egg and 2 spoonfuls of grated parmesan; mix well and make very small meatballs.Then deep fry them in a plenty of warm extra virgin olive oil. In the mean time cook the peeled and crumbled sausage in a small pan with 1 tbsp of oil.Sift the ricotta into a bowl, add one egg and 3 tbsp of grated parmesan; add salt and mix well.Cook the Lasagne in plenty of boiling salted water with 2 tbsp of oil for 4 minutes, drain and rinse them in cold water; drain them again and arrange them on a clean tea towel.Grease with 2 tbsp of oil a pyrex dish place, place a layer of Lasagne and alternate it to a layer of ricotta, then a layer of loin, sauce, sliced mozzarella, the sausage and a few meatballs.Repeat this process until the ingredients are over. Put the pyrex into a preheated oven at 200 °C for 20 minutes, remove from the oven and serve.