Pappardelle n° 101 all'uovo

Pappardelle finner man i hela Italien och är del av serien av lång platt pasta. De är framförallt utmärkta i recept med såser på bas av vilt kött. De rekommenderas dessutom i recept baserade på tomat och ost och med krämiga såser, som sprider sig väl på hela pastans yta. Finns i förpackning på 250 g.

  • Cooking time: 4 min
Pappardelle n° 101 all'uovo

    Our method

    Attention, care, experience, quality at every stage: from our mill to your table.

    Selecting the wheat

    Selecting excellent primary materials is the first step, the most important one in fact, in creating unique pasta.

    The milling

    We have been millers for almost two centuries: way back in 1831, Don Nicola De Cecco was already producing “the best flour in the county” in his mill. To this day, we grind all the wheat in our own mill next to the pasta factory, floating with intense and delicious aromas.

    The dough

    Cold water and dough at a temperature of less than 15 degrees: two details allowing us to produce pasta that fully respects the primary material.


    While it is the drawing process that gives the pasta its shape, it is the rough die that make our pasta uniquely porous, so it captures all the sauce. Hence, this is one of the special procedures we have chosen to preserve and protect. With great pride.


    Another of the secrets behind our pasta is slow drying at low temperature. It is our way of keeping the sensory properties of the wheat intact.

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    Finns i förpackning på 250 g.

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