Garganelli, whose name is reminiscent of a chicken's oesophagus which in the dialect of Emilia Romagna is called "garganel", are short, ridged, pointed maccherone with the ends cut on a diagonal. This is done with a tool called a comb, similar to a loom, with two parallel pieces of wood joined by thin strips of reed.
The typical ridges are traditionally obtained by passing the outer surface of the pasta over a loom made of reeds called a "comb".
The best way to enjoy this type of pasta is to serve it with a tasty hare sauce or with a "guazzetto", a stew made from diced bacon and peas.
Available in 250g packs
Pasta shapes that resemble small animals found in the garden or in fields are not uncommon.
Sorpresine (little surprises) look like tiny mushrooms and are fun especially for children who associate them with the animal kingdom.
Sorpresine are best used in broths, or in vegetable or bean soups. This pasta is also excellent for preparing very delicate pasta dishes with light tomato and basil sauces.
Available in 500g pack.s